30 January 2012

Sick Day


Uggggghhh. . .I feel like crap on toast.  My nose is so stuffed up, I swear someone jammed cotton balls in there when I wasn't looking.  It's so plugged, I can't taste anything. That actually might be a good thing because my throat is so raw that swallowing feels like a dozen tiny swordsmen are sharpening their steel on my tonsils. I'm so tired because I can't sleep because I can't breathe.  I've turned into a droopy eyed, dry-lipped, mouth breather.  Let me go take some Tylenol with an orange juice chaser. Keep your fingers crossed for rebound for tomorrow.


  1. Oh no! Nothing like having a cold or sinus infection or whatever, having two young children to take care of, and being pregnant.

    I hope you've rebounded!

    At times like this, I say, "Too bad that we don't live closer to each other."


Gimme Some ♥