06 December 2011

Write On

I love stationery. I love monogrammed flat notes. I love embossed folded notes.  I love personalized notes that come in lined envelopes.  I have several boxes of note cards that I keep in rotation.

If I need to send a thank you, I use these:

If I want to let someone know I'm thinking of them, I use these:

I love, love, love Design-her Gal!  My first set of calling cards came from there and I couldn't give them away fast enough.  It's fun designing a mini avatar that looks just like me. I can change her clothes with the seasons, which is usually when I need more cards, and I can change her hair as often as I change my own.  That alone has made the purchase worth it.

There was a period where I had these great Vera Wang notes that I had gotten from Tuesday Morning,
but somehow, I was writing more and more notes to people. I burned through them in a matter of weeks.  I found myself in a bind to get my hands on some stationery.  So, I improvised and turned the girls' art work into note cards.
For those you who received one of those, I hope you kept it.  It's going to be a collector's item one day.

Anyway, I was out an about the other day, searching for a hostess gift when I saw these super cute sets of assorted note card from Rifle Paper Company.


Don't they just make you want to write someone a note?  I might have to tell Santa to stuff these in my stocking. And speaking of the fat man and his busiest night of the year,  there are holiday cards, too.  



 So tell me, am I the last of a dying breed? Is the art of letter writing and note card sending dead?  Why don't you get yourself some new stationery to drop me a few lines and tell me what you think.  


  1. Oooh, that Christmas card is too cute! I absolutely love stationary and I still send tons of handwritten notes. I picked up a fancy set a few years ago from Horchow during a mega sale. Other than that, I have tons of cute ones that I've picked up here and then. Expressionery.com is one of my favorite since I also love personalized stuff. Their sales are great too.

  2. i love to write letters. i aways write thank you notes and am kind of annoyed when i don' get them. I adore Rifle Paper Company. I want all of them that you posted. Some to mail out and some to frame! Good finds. And your personalized cards are so cool. I am totally going to look into that!

  3. Oh...you posted so many gorgeous options!! I also love buying stationery. It's just so pretty and fun. I'm trying to be better around sending 'just because' notes cause I love receiving them!

    I adore your girl's artwork!


Gimme Some ♥