03 November 2011

Recipe Friday

Three words for you.

And I die!  Gah!  How lucky am I that one of my blog readers thought enough of me and my love of all things bacon that she sent me this recipe? Talk about giving thanks!

I have had bacon on the brain lately, too. I just heard this comic, Jim Gaffigan, do this bit about bacon that had me weak. According to him, bacon is a super food. "How do we make food taste better?" he asks his audience. "We wrap it in bacon! If it weren't for bacon, we wouldn't even know what a water chestnut is!". Too true, Mr. Gaffigan, too true.

I have to admit, I wasn't always a fan of the scone. In my experience, scones have been hard, dry, and something that necessitated a cup of Earl Gray tea in order to wash it down your throat.  Then, several years ago, at a baby shower for a friend of mine, I tried Bacon Cheddar Scones. Now, as you know, me and the cheese have an on again-off again relationship. It's mostly off, but I will deign to eat a few varieties. Okay, I really only eat mozzerella, but I'm trying. I mean, baked brie with kahlua and pecans is still baked brie, right? Anyway, these Bacon Cheddar Scones were ridiculously good.  I had a mug full of baby shower punch nearby, I figured I'd be alright if the first bite was a cheese overload. They weren't too cheesy. It was almost as if someone had just waved a hunk of sharp cheddar over the batter before baking them.  As far as texture went, they were crumbly, but a hard crumble, like one of those Stella D'Oro breakfast cookies. You know what I mean.  These things:
Actually, now that I think about it, the Bacon Cheddar Scone was kind of like this.  A little bit sweet, a little dry, and a little crumbly.  All with some bacon-y goodness thrown in.  One of my girlfriends and I practically set up camp around the plate, happily munching while other guests "oohed" and "aahhed" over the mom-to-be's gifts.  When it was time to go, another friend said "Let's grab a bottle of water on the way out for the ride home," to which my BCS addicted pal, "No! No, I can't take a drink. I just want to have this flavor in my mouth a little while longer."

Seriously. They were that good.

Since then, while I've thought longingly on those scones, I haven't made them.  I did make the Maple Bacon Scones a few weeks ago, courtesy of the Fresh Market, but the strongest flavor profile was the butter and the maple from the mix.  Evidently, the only bacon used in that recipe was the one they photographed to go on the front of the box. 

Bacon and chocolate I already know make a good pair, as evidenced from the bars of Vosges Bacon Dark Chocolate bars that manage to make it into my grocery cart every few weeks.  Funny how that happens.  

Anyway, I have a feeling that the Bacon Chocolate Scones will be making a debut in my kitchen in the near future.  And if you see me walking around looking parched or dehydrated, it's because, "I just want to have this flavor in my mouth a little while longer. . ."

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