05 October 2011

No Compliments to the Chef

When I picked up Mo-Dizzle from school yesterday, I asked her how her day went.

"Oh, it was good," she said, buckling herself into her seat.  "I left you a note in my lunchbox about my sandwich, though."

"Huh?" I asked, wheeling us out of the carpool lane and into traffic.  "What happened to your sandwich?"

"Nothing, I just didn't eat it.  I left you a note about it." she repeated and then promptly severed communication by sticking her nose in a Magic Tree House Book.

Fast forward to the great unload from the car: backpacks, library books, assorted jackets, sweaters, and stray papers.   As girls hung up their stuff,  I opened up the lunchboxes.  In Morgan's lunchbox, I found the aforementioned note:
"I do not like crasty sandwichs."

What the devil? What happened to her sandwich between last night when I made it and this afternoon when she was supposed to have eaten it?  I popped the top of the sandwich keeper to find this:

Unblemished (uneaten) PBJ

"Morgan!" I called, holding the "offending" sandwich out in front of me. "What's the matter with this? Why didn't you eat it?"

(insert exasperated six-year old eye roll) "I don't like crasty sandwiches! Next time, will you please cut off the crast?"

Crast? Crust! Cut off the crust!  Oh, good lord. 

Request for crast-less sandwiches duly noted.  And far be it from me to waste a perfectly good PBJ, so 
guess who had a "crast-less" PBJ for dinner? 

Here's a hint: she's six years old and has a wicked eye roll.


  1. LOL! Crasty is my new favorite word now. Thanks to the little lady!

  2. Bwaaaa @ "Crasty". OMG..not the note! So passive aggressive. Morgan! LMAO!

  3. haha too funny. my mom used to give be bologna and ketchup sandwiches and cream cheese and jelly sandwiches...i would get so mad! so grosss! how dare she!!!


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