14 July 2011

Fun with Photography

I'm trying to push myself creatively with my camera and sometimes the girls are less than willing subjects.  Today, however, I tried something that they were more than willing to help me with.  The toughest part was keeping them in position because after every shutter release they begged me to show them the shot.


The expression on Coever's face in these is hilarious.  She's all, "This ain't no thing. I do it all the time. On one foot, too."


  1. Very cool! Every time I see a pic of C, she looks taller! Love your new header too!

  2. LOVE these shots!!!! and your new header!

  3. Gorgeous pics and clever idea! I wonder if we could work Sam Macky into one -- on bended knee! Ebony and Ivory 2029!


Gimme Some ♥