12 June 2011

Packing Break

It's like a cardboard factory in here, what with all of the boxes.  Thankfully, I've got a pretty decent helper to make things speed along. Although, getting in the box to practice "Le Tigre" might get her taped up and sent to Tyra.


  1. She is the cutest!! I want her! (LOL)

  2. Her little face is beginning to look like a "big girl" face. She's still got a way to go though.

    Would that pouty mouth be attributable to the one and only Tyra Banks? :)

    Gotta page down through some older posts and see what I've missed.

  3. Why does C look 10 years old! Is this what happens when I leave for a year? Ugh! Good luck moving! Miss you!


Gimme Some ♥