26 May 2011

Tu Me Fais Sourire

We've been cleaning up and clearing out goo gobs of stuff as we get ready for our move this summer.  In one of several forgotten boxes that had been tucked in the guest room closet, DH unearthed several CaseLogics (remember those?) full of CDs and CD sleeves.  There were discs ranging from Sade to Pure Funk, Wham! to Lucy Pearl (whatever happened to them?).  

I opened up the laptop and just kept feeding it one CD after another. Disc after disc, it was a regular Mix Master Flash Jam session going on.   Mixed in with all of those discs were dozens of  CDs that friends have made: some from Chill Bill One, work-out mixes from KSC, the annual holiday mix from Erin and Pete, and some we got as favors from weddings we'd attended.  Most from this batch had no liner notes, let alone list of tracks.  Clever gal that I am, I opened up a few windows and as I listened to track after track (after track), I typed in the chorus of the song. Voila! Track name and artist. 

In order to speed things along,  I opened DH's laptop and set my chair on swivel.  It became a fluid movement of driving a disc into one laptop, pulling a disc out of the other, and looking up track titles. I was practically gorging my iTunes library to the limit (if that's even possible).  It was a tedious process and I could feel a full blown crank-attack coming on.  My brow was furrowed and quite possibly, I looked like this:

So I thought I'd beg off trying to match up tracks and titles to just surf my favorite sites for things to make me smile.  Lucky for you, dear reader, I like to share. 

This remind me of my girls. I hope that they have strong, solid friendships, always.

Keeping on with the friendship theme, this picture cracks me up.  Having some solid peeps who have your back and keep you smiling? I rank that up there with air and water. 

Truly, truly I do.

Um, yeah. Especially when that ice cream is this.

 Je me sens comme ce chaque fois qu'il pleut.  
Probablement parce que je n'ai pas un parapluie quand j'ai besoin d'une.

This site runs neck and neck with FaceBook as the biggest time suck of my life. But ohhhh, everything on it is the awesome-sauce. 

This score was on the last unmarked CD. 
Good things come to those who wait, n'est-ce pas?

1 comment:

  1. Did you join Pinterest? I want to follow you! Yeah, Pinterest can such hours of my day in what feels like minutes.


Gimme Some ♥