28 March 2011

Day 21: A Photo of Someone You Find Attractive

In an effort to be fair to DH and my male celeb crushes (I'll name names later), I'm taking the road less traveled and posting a pic of my girl crush.  Maybe it's because I've rediscovered her on YouTube. Maybe it's because she and I are nothing alike, I'm attracted to that kind of crazy unknown. I know she's all kinds of crack-tastic, emaciated and prone to fight clubs, but I so dig her voice.  The bee-hive, the winged eyeliner, the gap in her teeth like a slightly parted curtain.  It's all part of the appeal.


  1. Now I'm worried about you! Just kidding!

  2. Makes me think about who I find attractive. Hmmm... I'll keep it in mind and hope to have that Aha Moment when I see her or him on the tube.


Gimme Some ♥