I've never really been a fan of romantic movies and definitely not period pieces. If there's nothing else on, or if I've come to the end of the Netflix movie-verse (which I think I have), then I might be inclined to suffer through a rom-com. Anything to help pass the time while I fold buckets of laundry.
I prefer comedies, and I am always down for an action movie. U-571 is such an obscure movie, at least no one else I know has seen it, let alone heard of it. Then when I describe what it's about, the response I get is, "Wait? A war movie? About a submarine?" Immediately after that, the assumption is made that it's all because of Matthew McConaughey. Is he good-looking? Hmmm, hadn't noticed. Maybe I should dust off my copy and check it out. Besides, I'm sure I've got some laundry to fold.
You have a job out there waiting for you as a movie critic!