11 March 2011

Day 10: Any Photo You Like for Any Reason

July 5, 2002
Williamsburg, VA

Oh, how I love this man.
Gah! He's so handsome and that smile is 1000 watt.  

 My parents have been married for 40+ years, and they both have aged very gracefully.  But I wonder, and I've asked them, what do you see when you look at each other? Do they themselves as they are now?  Or does my dad see the long-legged dancer his cousin introduced him to? Does my mom see that whippet thin young man with the dark rimmed glasses? I'd like to think it's the latter; that as you age in life and in your marriage, you always see the very best version of your spouse.  Between the wrinkles or the extra pounds, you see the person as they were when you fell in love. 

Every time I look at this photo, I get that heady rush that comes with seeing your crush cross your field of view.  When I look at DH, this is what I see.  When we're both toothless and doddering old fools that our girls have abandoned to Shady Oaks Rest Home, this is what I want to see.  That smile, that face. That man, whom I love.


  1. Smiles...I want that, and I am so blessed to have examples such as yourself & DH. Thanks for sharing...and often showing...the TRUE meaning of love.


Gimme Some ♥