17 February 2011

When Life Hands You Lemons. . .

Coever has been having trouble recognizing when she need to go, she really needs to go.  As a result, we've been burning through underpants at an alarming rate.  She, like her sister, is so afraid to miss something, she will hold it and hold it until she's bursting.  This means, even though she'll make it to the bathroom, in the time it takes to get her pants around her ankles, there's some pee around her ankles, too.

*le sigh*

She's frustrated. I'm frustrated.  We're working on it, though.

The other day, she had another accident, and I scooped her up and dropped her in the tub.  I was tempted to stick her in the shower in my bathroom so I could have a Calgon moment of my own.  It was about 2 in the afternoon and the sunlight coming in from the bathroom window was so soft and just inviting.  Coever was rosy cheeked from the warm water and I pulled her out of the tub, I thought, "I need to photograph this!"

I'm thinking either one of us may have a future career here.


  1. Aw, so cute, Hilary! You have a good eye for photography :)

    Oh, btw, I have returned to blogger, but with a new blog. Tumblr was too boring.

  2. BEAUTIFUL BABY!!! Snapfish is calling!

  3. It is amazing how extreme frustration can turn into heart melting love...in an instant.


Gimme Some ♥